Based on the popular anime and manga series, Merge Puzzle Special Exam tells the story of all the students in an elite class. Each individual is already outstanding, but they still strive to overcome challenges to rise to the top of the rankings. Players will control their favorite characters to explore their stories, participate in diverse activities, and experience the most rigorous exams in a prestigious school environment.
A captivating, multi-dimensional storyline that analyzes the inner thoughts of each character. Players feel like they are participating in the plot and can customize them as they wish.
- Yomi Story Immersion: Experience the storyline of the famous anime “Yomi” vividly and as if stepping out of the pages of the story. The gameplay explores and dissects each character’s story.
- Unique Side Story: The game’s own side story is carefully crafted. Experience unexpected details compared to the original work.
- Inter-Connected Narrative: The story is connected to many inter-linear parts. Players experience a linear storyline with deeper connections to the characters.
Characters are developed both visually and in terms of skills, along with the accompanying storyline. Combine the abilities of the characters and interact with each other to create deep gameplay.
- Anime Character Collection: Gather many characters from the famous anime under your control. Use the most popular cards to increase tactical efficiency.
- Skillful Team Coordination: Each character has its own unique characteristics and skills. Coordinate the characters to create a winning game.
- Evolving Character Roster: The game continues to add new characters in updates. Players have a more and more complete cast of the most powerful characters from the original work.